Blue Beetle

 To start out, I looove the representation in the movie. The way Soto portrays the characters and the emotion he pulls out really is deserving of its reputation. Blue Beetle himself is such a dynamic character, he has the same vibe as Spider-man kind of--- in a way where they just want to live their lives and their all of a sudden thrust in this life when all they want to do is protect their family. Jamie, (Blue Beetle), has almost the same humor as Peter Parker as well, considering he isn't losing his mind over his situation. Which brings me to my next point, I love how nowadays you have new superheroes coming out where they are relatable and so real and able to connect with an audience. Part of the reason Spider-man became so popular was because how relatable and funny he was, and the same can be said for Blue Beetle.

I would really like to put emphasis on the emotion and story aspect of his family rather than his rise as a hero (which is still great nonetheless). The way each family member is portrayed not as just a background character, but as something more involved with the story, and a background that is all too true and common is absolutely amazing. The story itself isn't as shallow as portraying his only redeeming quality as being the Blue Beetle, but rather giving an insight to who he is as a person. I give this movie a 8.9/10!


  1. I only hear good things about this. I can't believe Susan Sarandon is the big bad of the movie though...


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